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Thursday, Nov 29, 2012 09:34 AM EST | |
Bestellen Sie den kostenlosen Newsletter von 4investors: Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:33 AM PST Das Wirtschaftswachstum in den USA hat sich im dritten Quartal trotz der Zurückhaltung der US-Verbraucher verstärkt. Wie das Handelsministerium im Rahmen einer ersten Datenrevision berichtete, erhöhte sich das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) um annualisiert 2,7 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorquartal. Michael Jordan Banned From Golf Course After Dress Code Violation Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:32 AM PST Michael Jordan was banned from a golf course after wearing cargo pants, sports news sites reported on Wednesday, November 28, 2012. Michael Jordan playing golf Image Credit: Eurweb.com According to reports, La Gorce Country Club in Miami banned Jordan after refusing to change his cargo pants when he was informed that he was violating the [...] Lindsay Lohan soll Frau ins Gesicht geschlagen haben Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST Die US-Schauspielerin Lindsay Lohan (26) hat US-Medienberichten zufolge schon wieder Ãrger mit der Polizei. Lohan habe in einem New Yorker Club einer Frau ins Gesicht geschlagen, berichtete am Donnerstag unter anderem der Nachrichtensender Fox News unter Berufung auf die New Yorker Polizei. Börse Frankfurt-News: "Aufgestaute Nachfrage nach Aktien" (Hüfners Kommentar) Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST FRANKFURT (DEUTSCHE-BOERSE AG) - 29. November 2012. Martin Hüfner geht in dieser Woche der Frage nach, weshalb die Aktienkurse trotz schlechten fundamentalen Aussichten steigen. Am Aktienmarkt ... Today's News: Our Take - Keck's Exclusives: First Look at Jack Wagner on Castle Is General Hospital Next? Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST When Castle producers needed to cast an actor to play a cocktail-swirling former pro golfer for their Jan. 7 episode, they went for an obvious choice: soap star Jack Wagner (General Hospital, The Bold and the Beautiful, Melrose Place). Satellite carrier may open new Wi-Fi channel for US Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST IDG News Service - A plan by a satellite carrier to make better use of its spectrum could open up an extra channel for Wi-Fi in the U.S., though how and when consumers would get to use it isn't yet clear. Kilpatrick says he thwarted break-in Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST Kwame Kilpatrick again is making news via Twitter. Leveson call for press law after scandal Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST A far-reaching inquiry into British newspapers called for a new independent watchdog enshrined in law to regulate the press, to prevent a repeat of the excesses which led to a phone hacking scandal at Rupert Murdoch's News of the World tabloid. Timeline: Britain's phone-hacking scandal reuters.com Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:31 AM PST (Reuters) - These are the major events in the phone-hacking scandal over the last 18 months as the inquiry by Lord Justice Brian Leveson on British media ethics is published on Thursday: July 4, 2011 - A lawyer for the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler says police have told him her voicemail messages were hacked in 2002, possibly by a News of the World investigator. The disclosure comes ... New Medicare Payment Map and other Health GIS News Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 06:30 AM PST Medicare uses geographic adjustments to pay more in areas deemed to have higher costs of providing care to seniors. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services employs a patchwork of 89 pay locales to set rates in a budget-neutral environment. As a result, a doctor treating a... Continue reading | |
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