Thursday, April 4, 2013

Daily News: Blogs - 3.9 tons of marijuana confiscated by Texas Highway Patrol

Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 12:14 PM PDT
Today's Blogs - Yahoo! News:

3.9 tons of marijuana confiscated by Texas Highway Patrol 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 12:14 PM PDT
For highway patrol officers, there's no such thing as a routine traffic stop. That old adage was again proven true when a Texas highway patrol trooper pulled over a gas tanker to perform a routine visual inspection and discovered the tanker was carrying 3.9 tons of marijuana. It's unclear how the trooper was able to [...]
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Gun background checks: Who isn’t allowed to purchase a gun? 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 12:11 PM PDT
Later this month, the Senate is expected to begin debating a Democrat-backed bill to vastly expand the federal background check system for gun buyers. The proposed legislation, part of President Barack Obama's recent push to curb gun violence, would close the so-called gun show loophole that allows a substantial minority of overall gun sales to [...]
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Man arrested for driving while ‘intoxicated’ on drum and bass music 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 11:59 AM PDT
Drum and bass is a style of music, not a mind-altering substance. But one unfortunate driver in the U.K. might disagree after he was arrested and sentenced in court over what the judge called driving under the "intoxicating" effects of drum and bass, reports the Bristol Post. For the uninitiated, drum and bass is a [...]
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Newt Gingrich: GOP will be ‘torn’ over same-sex marriage 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 11:47 AM PDT
As more Americans and lawmakers accept same-sex marriage, the Republican Party increasingly will be divided over the issue, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Thursday. "The Republican Party is going to be torn on this issue. The bulk of the party is going to be very resistant and is very supportive of traditional marriage, [...]
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Wired interviews FBI’s most wanted terrorist over Twitter 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 11:34 AM PDT
Last month, the State Department announced it would pay up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest of Omar Shafik Hammami, an American-born jihadist, amateur rapper and the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist accused of providing "material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization known as al-Shabab." On Thursday, Wired published an interview it [...]
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Boy selling newspapers helps woman turn life around 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 11:10 AM PDT
Robynn Fried says she was "literally two weeks from being homeless" when she heard a knock at the door. It was Artem Smao, a 14-year-old boy looking to raise money for a trip to Lake Tahoe by selling newspaper subscriptions. CBS13 in Sacramento reports that Fried, who was unemployed and desperately seeking work at a [...]
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Clip of man sculpting faces from lollipops is a hoax 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 10:30 AM PDT
A recent video posted to YouTube purports to show a man in Singapore making lollipop sculptures using only his mouth. But, as many have guessed, it's too good to be true. In the original video, posted March 27, a tourist sits down with "Uncle" to witness the making of the lollipop art. "Supposedly, this dude [...]
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Former top aide: Hillary Clinton is in ‘good shape’ but has yet to decide on 2016 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 09:47 AM PDT
Longtime Hillary Clinton confidante and former chief of staff Melanne Verveer said in an interview this week that the former secretary of state is in great shape after experiencing health issues but has yet to make a decision about any future political plans. "Well she's certainly had a chance to breathe a little bit, to [...]
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Facebook releases new Android platform: Messages and notifications redefined 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:55 AM PDT
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is expected to announce its first foray into the cellphone market during a 10 a.m. PT press event Thursday at his Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters. ABC News technology editor Joanna Stern will anchor our live chat from Facebook headquarters and will be joined by Yahoo News columnist Rob Walker and editor [...]
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Workout Shirt Reveals Your Inner Hulk 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:47 AM PDT
Have you ever wondered which muscle groups you're activating during a tough workout or whether you're exercising hard enough? Now there is a shirt that purports to show you just that, and it's lighting up on Kickstarter with thousands of contributions. It's called the Radiate shirt and it changes color as you exercise. The shirt [...]
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Hillary Clinton returns to the public eye amid speculation about 2016 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:27 AM PDT
It's been just two months since Hillary Clinton left her post as President Barack Obama's secretary of state. But as she re-emerges this week to deliver a pair of speeches honoring women's contributions to public life, it's as if the political world hadn't seen her in ages. Clinton's appearance on Friday morning at media maven [...]
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Stroke victim Sen. Mark Kirk praises Obama’s BRAIN initiative 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:19 AM PDT
Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk, who last year suffered a severe stroke but has since returned to the Senate, says he supports President Barack Obama's new proposal to invest federal dollars to study the human brain. "Having suffered an ischemic stroke, I understand the importance of investing in science and technology to better understand our [...]
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Anonymous drug war blogger speaks about dangers of reporting 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:19 AM PDT
The anonymous author behind the acclaimed Blog Del Narco, which focuses on Mexico's war with the powerful drug cartels, spoke with the U.K.'s The Guardian and the Texas Observer about the reporting and photography emphasizing the war's violence that has made the site as disturbing as it is popular. People have long speculated about the [...]
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New billboard celebrating women features only men 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 08:19 AM PDT
A Canadian university has launched a campaign to honor women. But there's one small problem: A billboard advertising the Women's Wall of Honour project features only men. The project will be a physical structure built on the Mount Saint Vincent University campus in Halifax. Its organizers call it "the only one of its kind in [...]
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91 percent of Americans support gun background checks: Poll 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 07:43 AM PDT
Despite concerns about how information on gun owners might be used, 91 percent of registered voters support universal background checks, according to a new poll released on Thursday. Only 8 percent of voters surveyed by Quinnipiac University's Polling Institute March 26 to April 1 stated opposition to universal background checks—something the White House, many Democrats [...]
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Despite gun-control push, more states have cut back on gun regulations since Newtown 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 06:58 AM PDT
Despite a major push from the White House, more states have cut back on gun regulations rather than pass gun-control reforms in the wake of the mass shootings in Newtown, Conn., The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Five states—New York, Colorado, Mississippi, Utah and Wyoming—have enacted seven new laws tightening restrictions on guns since [...]
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Allen West uncut: ‘I finally get to be a regular guy’ 
Thursday, Apr 04, 2013 02:30 AM PDT
Allen West is on a mission. "We are going to expose the other side for the racists that they are!" boomed West to a small audience crammed into a hotel conference room in National Harbor, Md., in March. The black Republican former congressman was there to raise money for the Allen West Foundation, a group [...]
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Nuclear Threats: North Korea and Beyond 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 09:14 PM PDT
With the increasingly bellicose rhetoric from North Korea, the world is waiting to see whether what has so far been a war of words will turn to one of force. But North Korea is only one of several nuclear hotspots around the world that bear watching. In the latest salvo, the North Korean army issued [...]
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Moviegoer complains about missing ‘Jack Reacher’ explosion, gets refund 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 04:49 PM PDT
Trailers are supposed to give moviegoers a taste of the full film. And to a large extent, they do the job. Sure, there are exceptions. Sometimes a comedy puts all the good jokes in the trailer or an explosion gets cut from an action film. Most of the time, moviegoers don't care. Most of the [...]
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Stay classy, U.K.: ‘Class calculator’ tells people where they fit into British society 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 02:52 PM PDT
The British social class system isn't what it once was, and most people would say that's a good thing. Nonetheless, unofficial economic and cultural tiers still exist in the country. To address the ever-evolving stratification in the U.K., the BBC has launched its Great British class calculator. The online tool lets people (even Americans) find [...]
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Screaming goat mistaken for man yelling for help 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 02:49 PM PDT
A person in Putnam County, Tenn., heard a man screaming for help from somewhere nearby. The sheriff's department was called. Even the dispatcher could hear the screams through the telephone. According to the Herald-Citizen, which cites an incident report, Deputies Will Page and Gary Davis were sent to investigate. When they arrived, the two spoke [...]
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Virginia’s Cuccinelli asks court to reconsider anti-sodomy law 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 02:20 PM PDT
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has petitioned an appeals court to reconsider its decision to strike down the state's anti-sodomy law. Cuccinelli is asking the full 15-judge panel of the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to uphold the state's sodomy ban, the Washington Blade first reported, after a three-judge panel invalidated the law last [...]
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Man accused of phoning in threat related to Texas DA killings 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 02:11 PM PDT
Police investigating the shooting deaths of two Texas prosecutors have arrested a man for allegedly phoning in a threat to a hotline dedicated to the case. Authorities say Nick Morale, 56, called a Crime Stoppers tip line Monday afternoon and said another county official would be the next victim. Police did not reveal who Morale [...]
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Carnival Triumph cruise ship breaks away from shipyard 
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 01:45 PM PDT
The bad news just keeps coming from the seemingly cursed Carnival cruise ship Triumph. Strong winds unmoored the Triumph from a dock in Mobile, Ala., where it was undergoing engine repairs, and blew a guard shack two docks over into the water. "Due to strong winds in Mobile, Ala., Carnival Triumph, which was docked at [...]
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