Thursday, April 4, 2013

Horoscope Alert: Gemini , Aries , Cancer , Taurus etc

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Daily Horoscope by Thursday, Apr 04, 2013
Image of Gemini Daily Horoscope Gemini
You need to shake up your perspective today -- and that could mean that it's time to start asking big questions of those around you. It's time for a new point of view, even if it's similar to your own.
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Image of Aries Daily Horoscope Aries
You need to make big plans today -- things are going your way still, but if you don't capitalize on this momentum, you are sure to fall behind in the long run. Think it all through!
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Image of Cancer Daily Horoscope Cancer
You need to do some mental yoga to make it through today -- but you can manage! It's a really good time for you to learn some new tricks and see if you can surprise friends or coworkers.
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Image of Taurus Daily Horoscope Taurus
You need to deal with someone whose extreme levels of weirdness are making your life more difficult. It's as simple as walking away, really, though you may feel the need to take responsibility and let them know.
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Image of Libra Daily Horoscope Libra
You need to be more understanding -- and yes, that is actually possible! Fortunately, your great spiritual and social energies are in sync, so you shouldn't have a hard time reading people.
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Image of Leo Daily Horoscope Leo
Take a deep breath and wait this phase out -- you need to make sure that you're not showing how impatient you feel. That just causes stress that slows things down even further on a day like today!
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Image of Capricorn Daily Horoscope Capricorn
You need a change -- but that doesn't mean that you need to move to a new country or enter a monastery! Figure out the best way to move in a slightly new direction, then commit yourself to it.
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Image of Aquarius Daily Horoscope Aquarius
You feel hot -- and you look it, too! Your amazing personal energy is practically making you glow, so flaunt it or just enjoy it while it lasts. It's a good time to meet new people.
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Image of Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sagittarius
You need to really pay attention today -- people are sure to spout off nutty-sounding ideas, but at least one of them is a winner. You have the power to sink it or to let it flourish!
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Image of Scorpio Daily Horoscope Scorpio
You've got to listen today -- even though your inner alarm bells are ringing madly! That just means you need to pay attention, though. At least one insane idea is actually perfect for you!
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Image of Virgo Daily Horoscope Virgo
Keep your messages positive today -- make sure that people really understand that you are on their side (well, as long as you actually are). Criticism can come later.
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Image of Pisces Daily Horoscope Pisces
Change is coming, ready or not! If you can prepare yourself even a little, you should be fine -- though it may come more suddenly than you like. Things are sure to get more interesting after you settle down.
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