Saturday, April 27, 2013

Keyword: [New ]: West Rockhill Historical Society seeks to move into home of its own

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Sunday, Apr 28, 2013 01:23 AM EDT
   Keywords News : New - News from Yahoo !
Danny Garcia takes a swing at Zab Judah ...
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 09:55 PM PDT
Danny Garcia takes a swing at Zab Judah during their title fight on April 27, 2013. Judah, a Brookly...
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Gehlot lays Foundation stone in Police L...
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 09:30 PM PDT
Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot, recently revealed that special allowance of the State Special...
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Mario Draghi, president of the European ...
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 09:30 PM PDT
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), speaks during an award ceremony in Frank...
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Amir Khan catches Julio Diaz with a left...
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 09:07 PM PDT
Amir Khan catches Julio Diaz with a left-hander on April 27, 2013. Khan gets married in New Y...
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Danny Garcia and Zab Judah, both of the ...
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 09:04 PM PDT
Danny Garcia (L) and Zab Judah, both of the U.S., compete during their WBA/WBC lightweight title fig...
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   Keywords News : New - Top images.
   Keywords News : New - News from other sources.
West Rockhill Historical Society seeks to move into home of its own
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:22 PM PDT
It's been more than a year since the Pennridge Regional Police Department moved from a converted farmhouse to its new headquarters.
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Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:21 PM PDT
New York Mets third base coach Tim Teufel, a Greenwich native, playfully touches the Brooklyn Dodgers cap of Mike Sandlock, 96, a native of Old Greenwich, Conn., the oldest living former Brooklyn Dodgers player, on the field during batting practice before the Los Angeles Dodgers-New York Mets ba...
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Hundreds drop off unused medicine at Operation MedSafe
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
A steady stream of citizens showed up at the employee parking lot of New Braunfels Utilities to dispose of their old medications as part of Operation MedSafe on Saturday.
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New York officials seek human remains amid debris from Boeing jet
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
A rusted piece of airplane landing gear discovered wedged between two New York City buildings has been confirmed as coming from the type of Boeing jet used to destroy the nearby World Trade Center on Sept. 11.
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Grosse Opa appointment a high note for Holden
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
Each year, the Wurstfest Association of New Braunfels selects one of its members to serve as Grosse Opa. This honorary title, meaning "Big Granddaddy" is bestowed upon a member for his loyalty, dedication and willingness to participate.
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Clearfield High fundraiser features test drives, hands-free parallel parking
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
CLEARFIELD — Community members test drove brand-new 2013 Ford vehicles on Saturday at Clearfield High School with a twist — there were absolutely no sales pitches. In fact, the folks heading out on the test drives with them weren't even Ford sales people — they were volunteers from the school. The reas...
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2013 Chevrolet Sonic RS is a toy not averse to a little work
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
The mission of Chevy's new Sonic RS is that of a hot-hatch, but we were treating it like a pack mule – a function, ironically, at which it's among the least talented in its segment. But, whad'…
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New Orleans VooDoo QB Zack Eskridge talks about his performance in defeat
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
Quarterback Zack Eskridge threw two interceptions, one returned for a touchdown, in a 57-38 loss Saturday.
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Dahal begins high-level political hobnobbing in New Delhi
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
UCPN (Maoist) chief Puspha Kamal Dahal, who is currently on a three-day-long India, has intensified high-level political parleys in New Delhi from Sunday morning.
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Wurstfest Association inducts new Kleine Opas
Sat, 27 Apr, 2013 10:20 PM PDT
The Wurstfest Association recently added eight new Kleine Opas to its roster. Members were chosen from a very broad pool of candidates, based on their record of community service and positive reference from community leaders.
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