Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Horoscope Alert: Cancer , Sagittarius , Virgo , Aries etc

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Daily Horoscope by Astrology.com Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013
Image of Cancer Daily Horoscope Cancer
Meet up with someone over lunch, if possible -- sharing a meal can bring people closer even if things are weird on a deeper level. You can use this time to move beyond past hurt, if you want.
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Image of Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Sagittarius
You may not feel optimistic, but you are sure that you are making yourself heard. Things are looking up for you and your people, so spread the word and save direct action for another day.
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Image of Virgo Daily Horoscope Virgo
You've got to try something new today -- so make sure that you are keeping those eyes open! Your great personal energy guarantees that any new activity turns out as well as it possibly can.
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Image of Aries Daily Horoscope Aries
Now is a great time to exercise restraint and patience -- those are qualities that should help you out considerably in the days to come. It may feel awkward, but it is for the best.
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Image of Libra Daily Horoscope Libra
Take comfort in today's news -- it may not be all positive, but it should at least lead to an improvement in your social situation. In fact, you may be able to fall back on old friends or family members.
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Image of Capricorn Daily Horoscope Capricorn
Your honesty and integrity are traits that serve you well on days like today (and most of the others, of course). If you're tempted to fib or sell out your ideals, look in the mirror and do what's right.
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Image of Aquarius Daily Horoscope Aquarius
Embrace your inner weirdo! Today there's just no way for you to avoid the attention of people who are judging everyone around them, so you may as well act how you want to act. Shock the world!
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Image of Leo Daily Horoscope Leo
You are feeling a bit better about your place in the world -- but try not to get a big head about it! You should find that your people are there to bring you back down to earth if you get too far away.
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Image of Pisces Daily Horoscope Pisces
Communication is easier than usual today, and you may actually like what you hear from someone you've been dreading. Whatever happens, make sure that you respond as quickly as you can.
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Image of Gemini Daily Horoscope Gemini
If you can't reach someone, keep trying different methods until you find one that works. Even indirect methods like Twitter or asking friends of friends can work out if direct means fail.
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